How To Use Blue Lotus Flower (Smoking, Drinking & Infusing)

The Blue Lotus Flower, scientifically known as Nymphaea caerulea, has been revered for its historical significance and psychoactive properties. Originating from the Nile region, this mystical flower has been utilized for various purposes, including religious ceremonies, spiritual practices, and relaxation. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the diverse ways to harness the benefits of the Blue Lotus Flower.

  • Smoking Blue Lotus Flower:

    Smoking the Blue Lotus Flower on its own is one of the traditional methods of consumption. Dried petals or whole flowers can be rolled into a joint or pipe, creating a calming and mildly psychoactive experience.

    Shop Smoking Products 
  • Drinking Blue Lotus Tea:

    Blue Lotus Tea has been a go to herbal remedy for many centuries due to it's enhanced ability to help with sleep deprivation, anxiety and improve sexual perfromance.

    Shop Tea Products 
  • Is Blue Lotus Flower Legal?

    Yes! Blue Lotus Flower is legal in the UK, most of Europe, Asia and the US.

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Drinking Blue Lotus Tea:

Many people prefer to purchase ready-made Blue Lotus Flower Tea Bags, but if you're looking to make your own home-made tea, look no further.

Brewing Blue Lotus Flower into a tea is a soothing and traditional way to experience its effects. Add dried petals or flowers to hot water and steep for several minutes. The resulting infusion offers a gentle and calming experience, making it an excellent choice for relaxation or as a sleep aid. Enhance the flavour by adding honey or other herbal teas to create a personalised blend. Here's a more detailed guide: 

Full Guide:

Step 1: Prepare The Blue Lotus Flowers

For a single cup of Blue Lotus Tea, use approximately 2 to 3 grams of dried Blue Lotus Flower petals or whole flowers. You can then adjust the quantity according to your desired strength and taste preference.

Step 2: Boil The Water

In a small saucepan or kettle, bring your water to a gentle boil. Note that excessive heat may degrade some of the flower's delicate compounds, so a kettle would be recommended for this step.

Step 3: Add Blue Lotus

Place the measured Blue Lotus Flower petals or whole flowers into the cup. You may also use a tea infuser or tea strainer.

Step 4: Steep The Blue Lotus Tea

Pour the hot water over the Blue Lotus Flower. Allow it to steep for about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your preferred strength. Steeping longer may enhance the tea's flavour and effects.

Step 5: Flavour and Sweeten (Optional)

If desired, add sweeteners like honey or sugar to enhance the taste. You can also experiment with flavour enhancers like cinnamon or ginger for a unique twist.

Step 6: Serve and Enjoy

Once the steeping time is complete, remove the tea infuser or strainer and pour the Blue Lotus Tea into your favourite teacup. Savour the delightful aroma and enjoy the calming and potentially mood-enhancing effects of the Blue Lotus Flower.

Smoking Blue Lotus Flower:

Smoking the Blue Lotus Flower on its own is one of the traditional methods of consumption. Dried petals or whole flowers can be rolled into a rolling paper or dded to a pipe, creating a calming and mildly psychoactive experience. As you inhale the fragrant smoke, the flower's alkaloids, including nuciferine and aporphine, interact with your body, inducing relaxation, heightened sensory perception, and a subtle sense of euphoria.

For enthusiasts looking to elevate their experience, combining Blue Lotus Flower with cannabis can be a compelling option. The synergistic effects of the two botanicals may enhance the overall experience, providing a unique blend of relaxation and mood enhancement.

Blue Lotus Alcohol Infusions:

For those interested in a different experience, making Blue Lotus alcohol infusions is an intriguing option. Soak dried petals or flowers in a high-proof alcohol (such as vodka or wine) for several weeks to create a potent tincture. The alcohol extracts the active compounds from the flower, allowing for a longer shelf life and easy dosing. Use this infusion sparingly, as alcohol-based extracts can be potent. Here's a detailed guide how to make Blue Lotus infused alcohol at home: 

Full Guide:

Step 1: Gather the Blue Lotus Flower

Start by obtaining high-quality dried Blue Lotus Flower petals or whole flowers. You can find these at specialty herbal stores or reputable online retailers, like us! Ensure that the Blue Lotus is organic and free from any additives or contaminants.

Step 2: Measure the Ingredients

For a potent infusion, use between 5 and 15 grams of dried Blue Lotus Flower petals or whole flowers per 250ml (1 cup) of high-proof alcohol. Adjust the quantity according to the desired strength and size of your infusion.

Step 3: Choose the Alcohol Base

Select a high-proof alcohol of your choice, such as vodka, rum, brandy or wine. The higher the alcohol content, the more effectively it will extract the active compounds from the Blue Lotus Flower.

Step 4: Prepare the Glass Jar or Bottle

Use a clean and dry airtight glass jar or bottle to hold the Blue Lotus Flower and alcohol. Optionally, choose a dark glass container to protect the infusion from light, which can degrade the botanical compounds over time.

Step 5: Combine the Blue Lotus Flower and Alcohol

Carefully place the measured Blue Lotus Flower petals or whole flowers into the glass jar or bottle. Pour the high-proof alcohol over the botanicals, ensuring they are fully submerged.

Step 6: Seal and Store

Tightly seal the glass jar or bottle to prevent evaporation and contamination. Store the infusion in a cool, dark place, such as a cupboard or pantry. Allow it to steep for at least 2 to 4 weeks to extract the Blue Lotus Flower's essence fully.

Step 7: Shake Occasionally (Optional)

To enhance the extraction process, gently shake the glass jar or bottle once every few days. This helps disperse the botanical compounds and promote even infusion.

Step 8: Strain the Infusion

After the steeping period is complete, strain the Blue Lotus Flower-infused alcohol through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean bottle. This ensures that your infused alcohol contains no plant matter. Discard the used botanicals.

Step 9: Optional Sweetening (If Desired)

If you prefer a sweeter flavour, you can add a small amount of honey or sugar to the strained infusion. Stir gently until the sweetener dissolves.

Step 10: Savour the Infusion

Your Blue Lotus Flower alcohol infusion is now ready to enjoy. Sip it neat, mix it into cocktails, or use it as a unique addition to your favourite beverages.

Note: Always use Blue Lotus Flower alcohol infusions responsibly and start with small amounts to assess your body's reaction. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should avoid consuming alcohol infusions. If you have any health concerns or are taking medications, consult a healthcare professional before use. Enjoy your Blue Lotus Flower-infused alcohol mindfully and savour the enchanting essence of this remarkable botanical treasure.

The History Of Blue Lotus Flower...

Learn how Blue Lotus Flower was found by the Ancient Egyptians... it'll blow your mind!

Blue Lotus vs Weed...

Learn how Blue Lotus Flower compares to cannabis here. This article is great for those suffering with addiction and looking for a much cheaper alternative... Only this alternative is practically a detox!

Blue Lotus Flower Effects Explained:

Explore how Blue Lotus Flower can effect the body and the mind... Here we dive deep into how Blue Lotus can be used to your advantage!